The belief, determination, and passion fueled my fire of action for almost four years. When I was terminated from ReUse, the fire was completely extinguished, dramatically and without warning. Even more devastating was the loss of my team, my collaborators, my partners. I still experience a loss everyday, for the people were and are a huge component of the work that I love.
As this year comes to a close and I reflect once again on my last year, I feel sad about the loss, but finally creating new momentum for creating positive community change.
For the first time in several months, I am experiencing the phenomenon of fresh and new ideas. I feel as if I have a direction and focus and I’m excited about the eruption of thoughts in my brain. This week, I realized that one very tangible outcome of our work at ReUse was the creation of a network. I am proud of the relationships that we created and the relationships that I will continue to nurture. Having arrived in Buffalo just prior to the founding of ReUse, I knew no one. I didn’t know who to call, who could enable the effort, who would open doors. Now, with over four years experience under our belt, ReUse Action is starting from a completely different place. Each step will be more concise, more deliberate, more effective.
I feel grateful to have so many brilliant and inspiring friends and collaborators around me. My meetings of the past week have inspired me with new possibilities, a new direction, and a new passion that will kick my tail out of bed for the mornings to come.
A thank you to all of you that have inspired these first steps. We’ll be running in no time and it’s going to be an exciting race…