“Do not wait for leaders; do it alone, person to person.”
~Mother Teresa
Though my formal schooling is long behind me, I’m grateful that my hunger for new information, ideas, and skills is still rumbling. I learn best from doing, so if I were to spend the next year in learning mode, I’d design my year to learn directly from some of my friends that are experts in their respective fields. I can think of many of this fine folks…friends that are overflowing with information and skills, people whose talent I envy and admire, and individuals that have so much to contribute to the world and to those around them. I’m confident we all know people just like this…maybe its a spouse, a neighbor, a relative, a sibling…or you…
ReUse Action is in the process of collecting a database of extraordinary individuals that not only have knowledge to share, but also a passion and desire to share it!
Today while some of our apprentices were completing applications we talked about setting goals. Many agreed that their most immediate priority was to get a job, as soon as possible, so that they can be on a path towards financial security. However, I know, from my individual conversations with many of them, that their passions and interests are far reaching. Our goal is to connect young people with mentors that have similar interests…folks willing to teach, willing to share. With a supportive mentor or teacher, an informal apprenticeship or internship, or a structured training program, our trainees can begin to develop the toolbox of skills necessary to accomplish their long term goals.

Would you or someone you know consider contributing a night a week? A day a week? A few hours per month? Your contribution would offer young men and women in our community an opportunity to pursue an interest, it might give them the experience necessary to open a door, your involvement in their life might be the boost of confidence they need to apply to a trade school or college. Think about it…and start now. These young people and so many like them in our community have the desire to learn, they just need access and opportunity.
First, if you’re interested now or in the future in teaching or mentoring, please send an email to reuseaction@gmail.com. In the email, share a little about your yourself, the length of time you’d be able to commit, and your specific area of expertise. (And by the way, everyone has something to share…) Secondly, if you know of others that may have an interest please share this link with them. Finally, if you are aware of training programs in our community that might be good for emerging entrepreneurs, learners, and students, please pass those along as well, so we can begin developing a resource page for our trainees. We so appreciate your help…