In 2012, we resolve to keep more reusable materials out of the landfill, than ever before . . .
Landfill - photo by D'Arcy NormanYou can help – call the ReUse Action TIP line, whenever you see building materials heading for the curb, OR if you know of a building project that will be tearing out the old, to make way for the new, OR you know of a pending demolition . . . WE WANT TO KNOW.
CALL 716-884-DEMO (3366) or EMAIL If you think it’s urgent (and it often is), you can also TEXT A TIP directly to Michael at 716-949-0900.
Everyone contacting us with a TIP, will be entered into a quarterly drawing for a $50 gift certificate. If its a HUGE find, your TIP could land you a $25 gift certificate to a local restaurant.
Last month, Dennis Maher texted the TIP line and we were able to divert six antique steel and wood industrial carts. We tracked down Dennis last evening and delivered his $25 certificate to Trattoria Aroma.
Oak PewsJust last week, Mary Fisher tipped us off to the disposal of over 20 oak church pews on Austin Street. Her TIP landed her a gift certificate to local favorite MERGE! We hope you’ll be next!
Materials ReUsed!Your ReUse detective skills keep valuable materials out of the landfill, provide a source of materials for local renovation projects, and a source of raw materials for unique, woodworking projects.
Lafayette Hotel Salvage - TubsIn 2011, our ReUse Action team kept over 30 tractor trailer loads of material from being buried in the ground. Our largest project, the Hotel Lafayette deconstruction resulted in the reclamation of over 24 semi loads of porcelain fixtures, subway tiles, sinks, bathtubs, doors, and radiators.
Syracuse JoistsOur four-story demolition at the CASE supply warehouse in Syracuse resulted in over 25,000 bf of reclaimed lumber that will be milled and installed in a restoration project at Onondaga Lake, and our residential demolitions for Catholic Health Systems, supplied nearly 10,000 bf of interior finishes for a new bar being constructed in Pittsburgh, PA.Catholic Health Systems
We’re keeping usable materials OUT of the landfill and pumping money and resources INTO the community. Keep your eyes peeled and call the TIP Line when you see an opportunity for ReUse in Action! 716-884-DEMO . . .